Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010
Vally&Sina chillen bei Vally, Eliza DooLittle läuft im Hintergrund, gleich essen wir Kuchen.Dann feiern auf marktplatz,keiner versaut uns diesen Abend,falls ich es nicht grade getan habe :/ sorry.
Montag, 20. Dezember 2010
Alin Coen
Ich bin im Moment einfach total verzaubert von dieser Frau. So unschuldig, so unantastbar, so leicht und so zuckerzuckersüß, ich hätte auch gerne ihre Stimme.
Dann würde ich jeden damit in meinen Bann reißen, eine tolle Vorstellung.
Alin Coen- Wolken
Hier noch ein schönes Bild, was ich letztens im Park geschossen habe( man bedenke, dass ich keine Spiegel-Reflex kamera besitze )Das ist eins aus Düsseldorf von laura, die ein bild von der schönen beritan macht;)
Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010
Your most recent picture
Montag, 13. Dezember 2010
wow,pain is worse!
An older picture of you

Tihi, muss mir das jetzt peinlich sein? Die prallen Bäckchen, die angeklatschte Frise, die blau-rote Strähne , die an meiner rechten Wange herauslugt, die schiefen Zähnchen?
Ach nö, muss es nicht:)
Und die 7.Klasse? Mal abgesehen von der kreativen Bildunterschrift, dem hässlichen Palischal, den kurzen Löckchen, ist das bild doch gar nicht soschlimm. Also die Mütze finde ich immer noch cool ;-)
Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010
Dieser Brief muss sein!
you have no idea how much I dislike you. Every look you give me fuckin pisses me off and every single one of your opinions is so silly,dumb and childish. You act like you're the hottest girl on earth but honestly you're ugly. You always try to be grown-up but actually you are the immaturest person I know.
I can honestly say that I dont want you in my life anymore. You never ever apologized for treating me like shit the past year and talking behind my back about me with may friends! I'll never forgive you.
Yeah,I know at the end of 9th grade and at the beginning of this year everything seemed okay and I was nice towards you,but this was only because I didn't want you to talk shit about me AGAIN. And I know that you can make my friends think bad about me,you have a lot of tricks.
You don't deserve anything from me.Not even this letter but i have to write this.
You are so annoying!
Step off bitch!
you have no idea how much I dislike you. Every look you give me fuckin pisses me off and every single one of your opinions is so silly,dumb and childish. You act like you're the hottest girl on earth but honestly you're ugly. You always try to be grown-up but actually you are the immaturest person I know.
I can honestly say that I dont want you in my life anymore. You never ever apologized for treating me like shit the past year and talking behind my back about me with may friends! I'll never forgive you.
Yeah,I know at the end of 9th grade and at the beginning of this year everything seemed okay and I was nice towards you,but this was only because I didn't want you to talk shit about me AGAIN. And I know that you can make my friends think bad about me,you have a lot of tricks.
You don't deserve anything from me.Not even this letter but i have to write this.
You are so annoying!
Step off bitch!
Samstag, 4. Dezember 2010
sommer'07 oder so xD
a picture of you making a goofy face
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